Monday, December 5, 2016

Be a DUCK!

Be a DUCK!

Recently someone asked me to explain the vision of the So Now Professional Network for Women.  In actual words their vision statement is....To Create an Influential Network that Welcomes Women to Connect and Support each other While Pursuing their Dreams.  Visually though, I was stumped, until one morning I was eating breakfast and looked out the window and saw an eagle circling the lake.

The determined eagle kept swooping down toward the water. Curious, I rolled over to the window and it was then I noticed why.  There was a group of 15-20 ducks huddled together and the eagle was diving toward them hoping to grab one of them for his breakfast.  Every time the eagle circled around the lake and prepared for another dive, the ducks would pull together, flutter their wings and escape under the surface of the water.

Time after time the same thing. Finally the eagle gave up after about 15 minutes and flew away. What struck me was how committed the ducks were to staying connected and supported by one another. Never once did they even think about leaving the group and going it alone. They knew instinctively they were stronger and more powerful together.

Then it hit me - The ducks were reacting just like the women of the So Now Professional Network for Women! When they face a tough spot they hook onto one another, combine their talents and gifts and together they become unstoppable, wiser and more confident.  So much more than when they go it alone. Just like the group of ducks.

I LOVE IT...I now have the perfect story to help others remember the Vision Statement behind the So Now Professional Network for Women. To put it simply...BE A DUCK!

1 Peter 4:10
"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another."

Many Blessings, Jenn

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